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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Raising Up Elly

Time flies and so fast it is Aug 2006. Elly will turn 5mo in 2 weeks. Was having some conversations with good friends lately on family planning, pregnancy and raising up kids nowadays.

There are some friends of mine who have been married for some time are still planning for a baby. The key reason is to be more financially sound before commit and be 'responsible' for the kid's live from bringing up, providing sound education, teaching manners and etc etc.

But then, being financially sound only is not enough in bringing kids up nowadays. Kids nowadays are a lot more smarter( i mean a lot lot more) than my generation. Perhaps it is the better ingredient in the infant formula? I dont know... Kids crave for attention, and spending time with them is crucial in bringing up a 'complete' kid.

No one is born as a perfect parent. Each of us, especially first time parent has to 'be there, done that', then only learnt from the experience and be a better parent. In my case, I am learning everyday with Elly. To be a perfect Mom? nah... i dont think so i can be , however i will try my best to provide the best for my kid(kids in coming years).

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