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Monday, July 06, 2009

"Be Patient"

Scene: Mommy raised her voice at Emmy.
Elly: Mommy. you have to be patient with meimei. She is my lil sister.
Mommy: ?? (alrite, remind me to be more patient)
Elly: You cant beat her. you must be patient to her.
Mommy: ok, ok

Scene: Elly greeting strangers and share her name
Elly: .... My name is Elly Ong Yongxin.(said her full name)
Mommy: You can just say your name is Elly.
Elly: But Mommy, my name is Elly Ong Yongxin.
Mommy: Yeah, i know, your full name is Elly Ong Yongxin, and you can just say your name is Elly.
Elly: No, my name is Elly Ong Yongxin! Elly Ong Yongxin!
Mommy: ok, ok

Scene: Elly talking with Emmy
Emmy: You want 'ai crim'?
Elly: No, meimei, not 'ai crim', It's ice-cream. Say ice-cream?
Emmy: 'Ai crim'.
Elly: No, not 'ai crim', It's ice-cream.
Emmy: 'Ai crim', 'Ai crim'.
Elly: hahaha... ok..ok... 'ai crim'. What flavour do you like? ..... bla...bla....

1 comment:

miramami said...


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